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BlackTORO Strengthens Its Advisory Business in the U.S. with Efficient Portfolios, Says Its President
Monday, June 17, 2024
* The industry expert commented that the trend will increasingly be to charge for an independent advisory service and to work on research and technology to improve client returns without conflicts of interest. * A few days ago, BT Valo was formally registered as an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor). * The partnership between BlackToro and VALO, which acquires the name BT VALO, is a Miami-based joint venture equally owned by both firms, where VALO is responsible for business relations and BlackToro manages the portfolios.
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Los mercados parecieran no estar midiendo los riesgos de la economía global
Sunday, March 17, 2024
El mercado rompiendo récords, spread en mínimos históricos, es consistente el comportamiento del mercado con los fundamentos de la macroeconomia global? Nuestro Chief Economist Fernando Marengo escribió al respecto en el diario La Nación de Argentina.
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“Faltan reformas estructurales”: Ricardo Arriazu y Fernando Marengo analizaron la macroeconomía nacional y mundial
Friday, February 23, 2024
En una charla de BlackToro Global Investments, los especialistas se refirieron a las tasas de interés de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos y a las perspectivas de estabilización en la Argentina
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Fernando Marengo: Por qué es un error esperar una nueva devaluación
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Acelerar la depreciación implicaría una aceleración inflacionaria, y el fracaso del programa que intenta el Gobierno.
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Fernando Marengo: "Argentina has a good story to tell in 2024, but it needs a stabilization plan."
Thursday, July 27, 2023
We share the article that Fernando R. Marengo, Chief Economist of BlackTORO, provided for Forbes Argentina, discussing Argentina and the outlook for the future, highlighting the opportunities for 2024.
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Entrevista de Bloomberg a nuestro analista de inversiones Santiago Solanet
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
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