Our Insights


Wednesday, May 08, 2024
We invite you to review the latest edition of BlackTORO TALKS, where Gabriel Ruiz, President of BlackTORO, spoke with Fabián Calle, Sr Fellow at Florida International University, about Global Geopolitics and its impact on markets.
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BlackTORO TALKS: Macroeconomics and Markets - Outlook 2024
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
We invite you to review the latest edition of BlackTORO TALKS, where Gabriel Ruiz, President of BlackTORO, had a conversation with Dr. Ricardo Arriazu, Board Advisor of BlackTORO, and Fernando Marengo, Chief Economist of BlackTORO, discussing Macroeconomics and Global Markets, accompanied by BlackTORO's outlook 2024.
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Brokers & Advisers
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
We shared a video in which Jay Clayton, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, discusses the difference between brokers and independent financial advisors, emphasizing the importance of working with a registered advisor in the United States (RIA). 
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Cartera de inversión óptima, desde la perspectiva de un RIA
Saturday, July 29, 2023
La cartera de inversión óptima, desde la perspectiva de un RIA, es una combinación de activos de inversión que busca maximizar el rendimiento esperado para un nivel de riesgo determinado o minimizar el riesgo para un nivel de rendimiento objetivo. En otras palabras, es una mezcla de diferentes tipos de inversiones (acciones, bonos, ETFs, etc.) que está diseñada para equilibrar los objetivos de crecimiento y protección del capital del inversionista.
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First official sponsor of the Miami Sharks
Friday, July 28, 2023
As the first official sponsor of the Miami Sharks, we participated in the launch event at the Faena Hotel last night. We're committed to supporting the Sharks every step of the way and building a brand that aligns with their values of discipline, resilience, courage, and tenacity. We share the passion and dedication they bring to everything they do, and we're honored to be a part of their journey. We're confident that the Sharks will make a significant impact in Miami sports. Thank you, Miami Sharks, for an unforgettable launch event, and special thanks to Marcos Galperin, Alejandro Macfarlane, Kony Strazzolini and Mariano M.. We can't wait to see what the future holds!
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Inflación, empleo y actividad: claves en el aterrizaje de la pospandemia
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Compartimos el artículo de Clarín con el análisis de Fernando R. Marengo, Chief Economist de BlackTORO , acerca de la economía en Estados Unidos y un escenario de soft landing.
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Crece La Incertidumbre En Los Mercados Mundiales
Friday, May 26, 2023
Ricardo H. Arriazu Miembro del Advisory Board de BlackTORO para Diario Clarín La pandemia, la guerra, la sequía en el cono sur, y los errores de política económica en muchos países afectaron negativamente a la economía mundial, desacelerando el ritmo de crecimiento económico, y elevando las tasas de inflación y de interés en la mayoría...
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The fiduciary duty
Thursday, May 25, 2023
The fiduciary duty of a registered investment adviser (RIA) refers to the legal and ethical obligation we have as professionals to act in the best interest of our clients. Under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 in the United States, registered investment advisers are responsible for putting the interests of their clients above their own and for acting with utmost good faith, diligence, and loyalty.
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